Quick Tip: Flip the Switch | Episode 113

In this episode, I share a quick tip to help you cross stitch more. You can listen to the episode below or keep scrolling to read the blog post.

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Flip the Switch

Usually, we do the things we need to do before doing the things we want to do. For example, not sitting down to stitch until the cleaning is done. And sometimes this is good and works well because I relax more when I’m stitching if I know I don’t really have anything else to do. Listen to episode 65, ‘Are you really relaxing?’ to hear me talk more about this.

But sometimes it backfires because you end up with less time for yourself. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spent an hour or two cleaning on a Saturday while my kids were happily playing, then I sit down to stitch and they are all over me bored and wanting me to entertain them. 

Do the ‘want’ before the ‘need’

This past week I needed to paint my nails. You might think this isn’t a need but when I do videos for work I like to have my nails painted; it’s not the end of the world if they’re not painted but also I see it as almost part of my uniform. I usually paint my nails in the evening and it cuts into my cross stitch time. So I decided I couldn’t paint my nails until I had finished stitching the Autumn wreath pattern. And it worked so well; I stitched more in the evening and found more gaps to stitch and then yesterday as it was finished I painted my nails. 

Now I want to try it on the weekend; I want to stitch and rest before I start my weekly cleaning. 

This will not work for everyone. If you know yourself enough and know that if you do things this way you won’t really relax because you will just be thinking about all you have to do after then maybe don’t try it.

Either way, this tip is really about prioritising yourself first, not the chores. I know cleaning washing and laundry are important tasks that need doing, but our hobbies are just as important. 

And also, it will all get done. I finished stitching and painted my nails in time for the videos I had to record this week. The laundry will still be there to fold after you have stitched, as will the dishes that need washing and the floor that needs mopping. So why not try putting yourself at the top of your to-do list for a change and see what happens?

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