In this post, I am sharing how to make a cross stitch needle minder. This is such a fun finish and is also simple, quick and great if you’re a beginner.
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To make a cross stitch needle minder you will need:
- Plastic canvas (you can get some from Love Crafts here*)
- Thread
- A design to stitch (feel free to copy my tree)
- Size 26 needle
- Glue gun
- Strong, small magnets (you can get some from Amazon here*)
- Scissors – small and large
Making a Cross Stitch Needle Minder
Step 1: Stitch your design
First, you need to stitch your design onto the plastic canvas. I recommended a size 26 needle for this as it makes it easier to stitch on plastic.

Step 2: Cut it out
Use your larger scissors to cut around your design, leaving about a 1 square border around it.

Then use some smaller scissors (I am using old embroidery ones) to cut closer to the edge of your design. Be careful not to snip any of your threads!

Step 3: Glue your magnets
Now take 2 small, strong magnets and check which way you need them to be to stick together.

Take one of the magnets and put some glue on the side that does not stick to the other magnet.

Step 4: Attach your design
Now take your plastic design and carefully put it on top of the glue. You need to be quick as the glue will dry quickly. Try to make sure the magnet is in the centre of your design.

Press it down to secure it but be careful in case the glue is still hot!

Step 5: Use your cross stitch needle minder
You can now take your other magnet and attach it to your design.

And it’s ready to use! You can even leave the second magnet off and you have a fridge magnet. You can have so much fun with this tutorial coming up with lots of different colours and designs for your needle minder! Be sure to tag me on Instagram if you make this @hannahhandmakes. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

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Such a fun idea!!