Cross Stitch Rut – How to Get Out and Stay Out | S3E74

In this episode, I am sharing some tips about what to do if you find yourself in a cross stitch rut.

You can listen to the episode below or keep scrolling to read the tips instead.

Listen to the episode

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Getting Out of a Cross Stitch Rut

5 quick tips from a past post:

  • Do nothing
  • Try a new hobby
  • Stitch a quick project
  • Set a timer
  • Only stitch what you love

You can read the full post here.


“Set myself a timer for 15 minutes. I normally carry on past it! Or start a brand new project! Or do one of those mini kits from magazines”.


“Find a WIP or pattern that inspires me, or a simpler pattern that’s quick and easy”.


“Start an easy peasy bookmark or gift! I like to gift so gives me focus for a short while”.


“Start a new project! Something you are excited about but is easy so you can feel accomplished”.


“I like to work on something very small and simple to get my excitement back”.


“I do another craft for a bit like diamond painting or a puzzle”.


“I’ve been crocheting afghans for my grandkids”.

Staying Out of a Cross Stitch Rut

Stitch every day

Stitching every day can help you make cross stitching a habit. Although I don’t love calling a hobby a habit, if you are someone who knows that cross stitching brings you many benefits then you might want to try making it a habit. You can stitch at the same time every day or just squeeze it in whenever you can during your day.


Get some accountability to help keep you stitching every day. Inside the Cross Stitch Club, we have stitching calls every week. I will also try going live every weekday on Instagram to give you some cross stitching accountability, so be sure to follow me over there.


Giving yourself a deadline for when you will finish your project. This can help make sure you’re taking the time for yourself and your hobby each day. Stitch alongs can be great for keeping you to a deadline.

Next project ready

When I’m reading a book I love to pick up another as soon as I’ve finished one and I usually know what that next book will be. It’s the same with cross stitch projects; as soon as you finish one start another straight away so you don’t lose that momentum.

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