In this episode, I share day 2 of the 10 minute cross stitch challenge. You can listen to the episode below to help keep you on track with the challenge. Or keep scrolling to read the tips from today.
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10 Minute Cross Stitch Challenge: 1 project at a time vs many projects
1 project on the go
Usually, I have multiple projects on the go at the same time. At one point last year, I was stitching 14 different projects. So most of the time I can’t speak about the benefits of stitching 1 project at a time.
However, I know that stitching one project at a time allows you to finish more projects, faster. But I want you to think about what your motivation is for cross stitching. Do you like to have lots of finished projects? Or do you like to sit and stitch and you don’t care if you get the project finished? The answer will help you decide whether it’s best to stitch one or multiple projects at a time.
In January, in The Cross Stitch Club, we have a finishing month where we try and finish stitching as many projects as we can. In January, I work on one project until it’s finished then pick up the next one. So far I have 2 finished and hope to have 3 by the end. This is far more than I would usually finish stitching in one month.
I couldn’t personally do this all the time though. Maybe you’re like me and you like to stitch multiple projects at a time but you’re overwhelmed right now by all your unfinished projects. You can take a month to finish off some by just stitching one project at a time.
Another reason I am enjoying stitching one project at a time is because of organisation. It is much easier to gather everything you need for that one project without worrying about using the same pair of scissors for different projects, for example.
And your floss. If multiple projects need the same colour floss, you must buy multiples or spread the same skein/bobbin around your projects. And sometimes I was working on a project and couldn’t find the colour needed because it was hiding in another project bag. Stitching just one project allowed me to have all the colours I needed for that project in that bag.
Also, your focus is fully on that one project. So every time you pick it up you know exactly where you are up to, what colour changes you might have made, etc. Being able to pick up a project and dive right in is important. Especially if you are stitching in small gaps of time or doing 5 stitches a day.
Multiple projects on the go
I like stitching multiple projects because I don’t like having limits placed on me. I love stitching what I’m in the mood for that day.
It might sound strange to someone who doesn’t cross stitch because you’re technically doing the same thing on each project so how can it matter what you’re stitching? But it does matter.
You might have some projects on aida and some on evenweave which changes the concentration you need. Or you might have small and larger designs; smaller ones are easier to hold. Maybe you have some that match the season you are in, so it’s more exciting to stitch them. You might have some on darker fabric and some on lighter. It is much more difficult to stitch on darker fabric and if you are only stitching one project it might be too dark to stitch it.
With multiple projects, you can choose to stitch the darker colour fabric in the daytime and lighter in the evening. I like to pick up aida projects in between evenweave ones, etc.
Another good reason for stitching multiple projects is that you can have them scattered around. This can save you from having to look for your project because there is probably one in the room you are in. You can also leave some at work/your sisters/in the car, etc. This way you always have one to stitch if you get the time no matter where you are.
As you can see, there are pros and cons to both but hopefully, this episode helps you decide what you’re going to do on your cross stitch journey.
Extra episodes and posts
- My Cross Stitch and Reading Routine
- 5 Tips to Find More Time to Cross Stitch
- Cross Stitch Routines and Why You Might Need One
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